
マヒドン大学との交換プログラム報告 タイから4名の大学院生が来日

本学看護学部/看護学研究科とタイ王国マヒドン大学は平成20年4月に協定を締結し、大学院生の交換プログラム(Exchange Program)を行うことが決定された.マヒドン大学はタイで初めての看護学学士教育を開始した歴史のある大学である.大学院の修士課程は1977年に、博士課程は1989年に開設され,タイの看護学の発展に貢献している。本学部/研究科はマヒドン大学の看護学部(シリラート校)と医学部看護学科(ラマティボディ校)の両校との交流を開始した。Exchange Programの目的は、

  1. 国際的視野を広げること、
  2. タイの看護システムと専門看護師(CNS)の役割を学ぶこと、
  3. 当該学生の専門分野での研究者と討議を行うこと、
  4. タイの大学院生、医療関係者、研究者と交流を深めること




Experiences, Benefits and Impression in The Students Exchange Program at School of Nursing, Osaka Prefecture University, Habikino city, Japan.

Syamol Rompipat
Master student of Nursing Science Program in Pediatric Nursing, Department of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University

I had a chance to be an exchange student, and got many experiences and benefits from this program. e.g.

1. For Public Health and Nursing System

As I had a chance to visit many places; for example The Osaka Nursing Association, Welfare Center of Habikino City, The Association for Child Abuse and Neglect, Osaka Prefectural Hospital and Public Nursery in Habikino City , I learned about

  • - Nursing system in Japan
  • - Health insurance system and social welfare for mother and child including elderly people
  • - Service and campaign against child abuse and neglect
  • - Nursing service in Osaka Prefectural Hospital and environment around the hospital area
  • - Management in a public nursery and practice for fostering children

I had many things to learned and practiced which are very importance experiences, because I could share new interested knowledge to my friends and faculty or apply for my workplace. But I feel disappointed because we could not be allowed into a pediatric ward because of the Swine flu problem. However, I understand the reason for disease protection.

2. For Nursing Education and Research

I learned about nursing education system in Japan that was similar to Thailand. I was looking around a laboratory room in OPU, where they had many contemporary medical appliances, various media for bestead nursing students. Moreover, I had a chance to discuss and share some knowledge and experiences with students and faculties through which I got good suggestions and encourage for conduct my thesis. The section in Oct 29 - Academic exchanges - was a beneficial section also because I could prepare myself for presentation in Oct 30.

3. For Different Cultural and Life Style

In my opinion, Most of Japanese people had good self-discipline. Japanese as well as Thai people are very polite and nice people because I saw many people in Japan smiling face and taking a bow many times when they said “Thank You” or “Sorry”. I tasted many Japanese food such as sushi, curry udon and takoyaki, which were less spicy than Thai food but very delicious and beautiful decoration dishes. Besides I went sightseeing many tourist attraction, for example Osaka Castle and Kinkakuji Temple, which were beautiful, old cultural and great historical sites.

Finally, I was impressed for warm welcoming from everyone - students and faculty members - who were supporting me all the time. I appreciated that so much. I would like to say “Thank You” again for everything that all of you did to me and my friends. I will never forget the real kindness you gave us.


